All About Al..

For Starters, I'm a true Southern Girl. I'm an HBCU Graduate. A Wife. A Dog Mom. And a Certified Life Coach. This is what I was born to do, but it took some time to uncover this gift.

In College, my friends called me "Baby Iyanla" because I would listen to people's life stories and offer them solutions for their problems. It was something I did naturally and enjoyed, but I majored in Business Management, and assumed I would go into Business.

After completing College, I felt overwhelmed and confused about what my true passion was. 

One Day, My Mentor Asked “What would you do even if it did not pay?”

Life Coaching came to mind, but I was afraid. But eventually I decided to do the deep self-examination that I needed in order to be a confident Life Coach. I can't help you improve your life if I have not improved my own right?  I began therapy and exploring my innermost thoughts. It took a very long time and an extreme amount of patience but I figured out a way to get to the root the cause of my lack of fulfillment. I'm proud to say I have done the work but I really could have used a Coach. Someone who had gone through a challenge/trauma and came out on top. I wish I had someone to show me that it was possible when I was in the trenches. So I have decided to be that for others.

Coming from the rural south, I am especially motivated to empower my people.  Women, children, people of color, and members of the LGBT Community have a special place in my heart, and I have seen tremendous results from all ages and ethnicities.

 So now that you know all about my why...let’s work!